Thursday, November 20, 2008

Bartering: The New 'In' Thing?

With times getting tough around the good old US of A, one solution making the rounds is bartering. It has been around since before money. In fact, before currencies "bartering was the most accepted form of commerce." Most bartering today seems to be between companies or small business owners looking to save dinero or move old product on down the road. NOTE: Had trouble embedding the video so linked to it instead. operates in Ohio, Florida, and Michigan, while seems to be open to most anyone-businesswise and operates everywhere.

I can see bartering extending to personal use in the near future. If the economic difficulties are prolonged, bartering could help alleviate hardship for some people. I could see families using bartering to exchange baby sitting duties, or haircuts. Perhaps some people will exchange lawn work or minor repair jobs for groceries, or rent.

The only draw back? If you guessed IRS paper work you are either a MENSA genius or a cynical bastard. Of course the IRS is the biggest pimp in the game, so they always gotta get theirs, any time you're trying to get yours.

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