Monday, December 22, 2008

How Cool Is This

Aston Martin and Lord Foster will be re-designing London's symbol. 

I wonder why more American cities don't use a double decker bus?  Especially when the bus has "reconstituted leather upholstery . . . and wooden floors."  Civilized transportation.  The only thing missing is a wet bar.  Of course I might not never get off the bus in that case.
But at least there would be a designated driver. 

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Safaris Have Flushable Toliets?

They do on the Abercrombie and Kent Sub-Sahara tours.

I don't think a person has to totally rough it but flushable privies in the bush seems a bit much.

Apparently there are all levels of tours and services available.

Safaris are now on the list of dreams-when I get around to actually writing it down. I will probably go on one some where in the middle between luxury and roughing it.

I must remember to pack some teepee as I am sure which ever package I go on will not have flushable loos.

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7 Miles of Beaches in Drug War Zone

Lately I've been jonesing to travel, to get out of the wintery NW. Usually it is the rainy NW but the last week or so it has been more like the Mid-West than the northwest. Anyway I have been dreaming of going here: and so when I read this I started dreaming of sandy beaches, brown skinned girls, tropical elixers, and a couple of weeks free to properly enjoy them.

Perhaps the gods do not like when us mortals indulge in rapacious thoughts. Shortly after reading the above article i came across this one.

How can I enjoy booze, beaches, and babes, if I am in the middle of a drug war?

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Thursday, December 18, 2008

Roughing It While Traveling Is Not Mandatory

I stumbled upon this story about an all inclusive resort in Mexico. But I had forgotten all about it, until I started dreaming about leaving all of this behind
Sure it looks beautiful, but dam it is cold here in the Northwest; when it is usually just mild and rainy.
And how can you not help imagining yourself here:
This is an all inclusive resort. I had no idea such a place on terra firma existed. Can this be Heaven? Can life get better than this? But most importantly are there bars on the golf courses?

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Dreaming of Any Place Else

Usually the Portland area looks like this, this time of year. But lately it has looked like this:
and this:

Which in turn has lead me to dream of this:

and this:
or this:
I wish my Spanish was better so I could work in Mexico. Oh well maybe some day.

What place are you dreaming of?

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Sunday, December 14, 2008

Time for a Brew Down

Heaven or Heaven?
WOW! I know what I want Santa to bring me. And I have been a very good boy this year. Though if I get this slice of beervana, I can not guarantee my conduct for the coming year. Brew on.

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Beware of Brits Bearing Nokias

Hat tip to Red Ferret Journal for finding this nasty piece of hardware. This escalates CYA the factor in any relationship.

I wonder is any of the info uncovered allowed in divorce proceedings? If so Kidz you better get yours before your significant other gets theirs.

This is the key to the perfect Holiday Season-or any season-for nosy Mother F'ers every where.

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Happy Ninja Days

Just in time for those unwanted holiday guests. Whether it is a brother-in-law, mother-in-law, or ex, get the drop on awkward conversation, meetings, or dreaded arguments with this handy Ninja set.

Get your Ninja on.

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Saturday, December 13, 2008

Sail Around the World from Home

How cool would it be to sail around the world-ALONE? Well for some of us it would be pretty cool. Now even for those who might not find this cool it is possible to join in a virtual Vendee Globe race.

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Spy Lens for SLR Digital Cameras

Hat tip to Will Femia at Clicked for finding this handy little add-on.

While Will is bothered by this lens on a "sportsman level"-but not a moral or sneakiness level. He says, "[T]he challenge of street photography is part of the art." I am not bothered on any level. Having been thwarted taking street photos more times than I care to remember, while living in China, this lens evens the field. And if it works as advertised, it would remove the frustration which comes with being thwarted, at least for me.

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Thursday, December 11, 2008

Is the Remote the Largest in the World too?

A 700 ton Caterpillar truck is set to become a robotic vehicle.
There does not seem to be much clearance on this thing. That is too bad. Could you imagine the fun that would be had crushing things with a 700 ton vehicle?

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African Walk About

In 1997 Fran Sandham left England and walked across Africa, coast-to-coast. He published a book about his adventures called Traversa. This is definitely on the must read book list.

I love to travel but I don't believe I have the cajones to attempt this feat. I think I will stick to the arm chair on this adventure. Of course, if there are trains involved I am there.

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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Computational Photography-Bringing Big Changes to Digital Cameras and Photography

I think my dream of being a photographer was laid to rest when I took Father Tom Brown's Photography class at Quincy University-God rest his soul-and he proceeded to bore everyone with long winded monologues on the history of cameras, film, and photography. I think I drooled on at least every other page of the text book as the lecture droned on. My love for photography seemed to seep away with every spittle droplet.

However with the advent of digital cameras my love for photography re-blossomed. Of course that love was soon straining under efforts to master Adobe, GIMP and other photo-editing software. One trick I used to get around this was to buy a 2 gigabyte SD card which allowed me to take ungodly amount of photos, or at least until I got close to the image I was after.

So the idea of installing imaging software into my camera and letting it fix, or alter my photos is a dream made achievable after so long denied.

Of course, it will be some years before a failed hobbyest like myself can afford such a camera and software. Never the less, it seems the dream that a schlub like me could produce decent photos is not far off.

Examples of the software technique called digital refocusing can be found here.

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Looking for a JOB?

I just came from D.C. and the city is gearing up to welcome Obama as our 44th President. And he as put out the cattle call for kool kidz and others to come to Washington D.C. and enact change. Hopefully we, the people, don't get stuck with hires like Alberto Gonzales, "Heck of a Job" Brownie, Harriet Miers or Monica Goodling.

We, the people, don't expect every hire to be the best and the brightest. But know-nothings, crooks and traitors need not apply.

So if you have been laid off or need a change of locale throw your hat in the ring. You might get hired and you can't do worse than this guy.

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