I think my dream of being a photographer was laid to rest when I took Father Tom Brown's Photography class at Quincy University-God rest his soul-and he proceeded to bore everyone with long winded monologues on the history of cameras, film, and photography. I think I drooled on at least every other page of the text book as the lecture droned on. My love for photography seemed to seep away with every spittle droplet.
However with the advent of digital cameras my love for photography re-blossomed. Of course that love was soon straining under efforts to master Adobe, GIMP and other photo-editing software. One trick I used to get around this was to buy a 2 gigabyte SD card which allowed me to take ungodly amount of photos, or at least until I got close to the image I was after.

So the idea of installing imaging software into my camera and letting it fix, or alter my photos is a dream made achievable after so long denied.
Of course, it will be some years before a failed hobbyest like myself can afford such a camera and software. Never the less, it seems the dream that a schlub like me could produce decent photos is not far off.
Examples of the software technique called digital refocusing can be found here.
However with the advent of digital cameras my love for photography re-blossomed. Of course that love was soon straining under efforts to master Adobe, GIMP and other photo-editing software. One trick I used to get around this was to buy a 2 gigabyte SD card which allowed me to take ungodly amount of photos, or at least until I got close to the image I was after.
So the idea of installing imaging software into my camera and letting it fix, or alter my photos is a dream made achievable after so long denied.
Of course, it will be some years before a failed hobbyest like myself can afford such a camera and software. Never the less, it seems the dream that a schlub like me could produce decent photos is not far off.
Examples of the software technique called digital refocusing can be found here.
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Nice pictures!! I love photography and have nice digital camera...
Thanks! I try to take nice photos.
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